Episode 34 - The process is the solution: embracing challenges with grace and ease with Kathleen O’Brien

Introduction to the episode.

In this episode you'll be reminded that life is a constant process of unfolding. We need reminding because when everything is rolling along smoothly it can be easy to see the big picture. But when life gets challenging or we’ve been ignoring change, life can get very overwhelming! It’s usually in these moments when the body starts to move into a state of fight or flight that we tend to forget the process is the solution. 

When we’re experiencing something we find uncomfortable or we can’t see it in context (meaning we just want it to end and get back to the flow state), we tend to kick ourselves out of the present moment and move into future thinking/solution mode.

 In this state we can be so focused on a solution and wanting to change the current situation that we move out of the power of the present moment. We miss the opportunity for growth and learning. We resist life by resisting what is.

Life is not really about getting to a final destination. We never get say “I’ve done it all! The to-do list of my life is complete! I never have to do anything else again!”

We know that life continues and we must keep evolving. But when we’re in outcome mode we can forget life is a process. We miss the now and therefore we miss life. When what we really need is to find greater ease and grace in the process, knowing the process is the solution.

What we talk about.

- Feminine leadership

- Collaboration and co-creation without goal orientation

-There's no final destination only the process of life

- Seeing growth and possibility rather than ‘problems’

- Nature as our greatest teacher

- How Vedic meditation teaches process orientation

Connect with Kathleen.



Episode 35 - When your worst nightmare becomes a path to freedom with Yeojin Bae


Episode 33 - Healing from the loss of a loved one to suicide through Elegy for an Elephant with Ryan Abramowitz