What style of meditation is this?

Vedic meditation is known as an effortless transcending technique. Effortless means to be easy and natural To transcend means ‘to go beyond’, and transcending is an important part of any transformative technique. Why? Because we need to be able to go beyond the ideas we have about oursleves, the memories we carry in our bodies, the 80000+ thoughts we have in any given day, and the concentration and control that keeps us in repetitive patterns. We need to transcend all that so we can experience our deepest nature that simply ‘is’. There is a deep, vast and unbounded experience of yourself that is already naturally calm, present and awake, creative, dynamic and happy for no reason. In Vedic meditation, it’s this natural state we are transcending into, so over time we can fully embody and live from this natural state each day.

In this practice we use a mantra (manas = mind, tra = vehicle) as a mind vehicle to trigger this effortless process of transcending. In this style of meditation people usually experience a deep state of rest and relaxation quite quickly. This deep rest in the body creates the perfect conditions for stress and fatigue to be released, and a deep inner healing and rejuvenating process to take place. You come out of your 20min meditation feeling rested, present and ready to get into your day of activity. Through a daily practice all the benefits of meditation continue to make themselves a normal part of your everyday life.

In this style of meditation, we sit comfortably, there are no apps, guidance, alarms or bells, and having thoughts in meditation are a part of the practice. Other styles of meditation include concentrative and contemplative, which typically involve focus and control. Vedic meditation on the other hand does not require any focus or control, hence why we call it ‘effortless meditation’.

What is the difference between Vedic meditation and other types of mantra meditation?

Vedic meditation isn’t ‘mantra based’ meditation, it’s known as a transcending technique. You use a mantra but this practice is not about focusing or concentrating on a mantra and having it in your mind the whole time. Vedic meditation is an ‘effortless letting go’ practice. We use a mantra and a specific way to think the mantra to cause the mind to transcend. It is not concentration based, and the less you do in this practice, the better!

Where does Vedic meditation come from?

‘Vedic’ is an English version of the Sanskrit word ‘Veda’ which means ‘to know’. This knowledge and wisdom is as old as time itself. This practice comes from an ancient culture, the Vedic culture which was the indigenous culture of the centre of our earth. All the indigenous cultures of the world share the same basic principles and truths of life. The techniques to directly experience these truths are different depending on the culture. This technique of transcendence has been taught specifically for those who live in the world, for ‘householders’ with jobs, creative pursuits and relationships etc. This practice was re-inspired and re-cognised by a great Vedic master known as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the early 1960’s. Maharishi said that this wisdom came from his teacher Swami Brahmananda Saraswati.   

I’ve never meditated before - will I be able to learn?

Yes you will! You do not require any prior knowledge or experience to learn Vedic meditation. The course is designed to take you from no meditation experience to being a fully self-sufficient meditator. We teach children through to adults and provide lifetime support to help you make meditation an easy daily practice.

What if Vedic meditation doesn’t work for me?

Absolutely anyone can learn Vedic meditation! If you ever feel like it’s not working, you will receive access to complimentary continued guidance until you feel confident with the practice. Once you learn you can re-sit the course anytime for free with any of our teachers. We also run monthly refresher courses to keep you inspired and help you ‘get back on the meditation horse’ if you’ve fallen off!

Do I need to sit still and stop thinking?

Definitely not! You don’t need to sit perfectly still or stop thinking in order to practice Vedic Meditation. In fact, thinking is part of this technique! We explain all about thinking in meditation during the course so you feel confident in your practice. We also recommend sitting comfortably in a chair, on a lounge or anywhere you can have your lower back supported, so you can completely let go and move into deeper states of relaxation. There is no focus or control with this technique, which means we sit comfortably and move if needed to get comfortable again.

How long does it take to see the benefits?

Since we are all very unique human beings, our experiences with meditation will differ. However we have found that most people begin to experience the benefits from the very first time they meditate! For others the benefits reveal themselves more gradually over time. For everyone, the benefits continue to flow into every aspect of life as you make meditation a daily practice.

Do I need to make any changes to my life to learn?

You don't need to make any changes or give anything up! The only thing you will need to do is make time to meditate twice a day for 20 minutes and watch the benefits unfold in your life. What you might find though, is that through a twice daily meditation practice you may no longer desire external substances such as coffee or alcohol that have previously been used in an attempt to change your inner environment (e.g. more energy or relaxation). As you continue to practice you may find these lose their relevance as your meditation practice creates greater balance within.

How many people are in the course?

The course runs in a group format with anywhere from 3-20 people. We like to keep the groups small to ensure everyone receives individual attention and instruction and walks away feeling confident with the technique. We also offer private courses for those who prefer one on one instruction. Please contact us for more details.

The course is a significant investment - what is included in the course?

The course investment is a one off cost that includes the 4-session course, which gives you the tools to be a confident, self-sufficient meditator. You also gain access to lifetime support through free group meditations run daily in Melbourne, you have the ability to re-sit the course for free as a refresher with any affiliated Vedic meditation teacher worldwide, as well as access to our online community page and ‘in-person’ community of meditators.

Can I meditate when I’m pregnant?

Yes! We highly recommend meditating when pregnant, as it's a wonderful way to ensure you get the rest you need. Meditation is extremely beneficial and will support you pre-conception, pregnancy and postpartum. Your teacher will share a specific program of practice for you during this time. Please make it known to us if you are pregnant so we can help you create a smooth, enjoyable and graceful experience into motherhood.

Can I learn online?

Vedic meditation is only taught in-person, over 4 consecutive days. When you learn in person you are able to establish a relationship with your teacher, your questions are answered in real time and you receive personal support to help you make meditation a daily practice. When you learn with Mahasoma you join our ever-growing community where you will meet like minded people and can deepen your practice by engaging in our daily group meditation and knowledge sessions. 

I can’t come to the group courses, can I learn privately?

Yes! All our teachers offer private courses. They can be run from various private studios or from the comfort of your own home. Please contact as directly with your preferred location and time and we can refer you to one of our teachers.

I’m already a Vedic meditator - can I join the Mahasoma community?

You are welcome to come along to any of our group meditations and community events. Please get in contact with us and we will add you to our mailing list. You can also follow us on Instagram @mahasoma to stay up to date with all that we offer.

What are the Vedas?

The English meaning of the word Veda means ‘to know’. The Veda is the knowingness of life itself. Absolute truth. And it unfolds the wisdom of creation and how to live in harmony with nature. Then there is then a body of texts that are known as ‘The Vedas’ in which this knowledge and wisdom has been sequenced and divided to be accessed and referenced. Although this knowledge has been written down and sequenced, the Veda is authorless. It is natural wisdom and can be cognised by anyone in a state of consciousness that can access the full potential of the Self. The Veda is alive, ever growing and ever possible to be cognised.