Episode 37 - A fresh perspective on menopause with Ayurveda practitioner Erandati Benjamin from Inner Soma
We are excited to share with you this conversation on an important subject for many women in our community – the rite of passage known in our modern world as menopause. We are joined by Ayurveda practitioner and Vedic wisdom holder Erandati Benjamin from Inner Soma.

Episode 36 - The dharma and karma of teaching Vedic meditation in prisons with Joh Jarvis from The Light Inside
In this episode we hear the story of Joh Jarvis from The Light Inside - a not-for-profit foundation which takes meditation into prisons and jails across the United States. It’s not every day you end up teaching Vedic meditation at age 54 in prisons. We hope her story will resonate beyond the specifics into what’s possible at any age, the dharma and purpose we can find, and the joy that comes from being of service to our humanity.

Episode 35 - When your worst nightmare becomes a path to freedom with Yeojin Bae
In this episode, for the first time Yeojin Bae is sharing with us her intimate story of leaving behind what she had spent her whole life becoming, to embark on a deeply transformative and much needed healing journey supported by Vedic wisdom and practices. Statistically it takes on average 24 years to reveal child sexual abuse, and many never do.

Episode 34 - The process is the solution: embracing challenges with grace and ease with Kathleen O’Brien
In this episode with Kathleen O’Brien you'll be reminded that life is a constant process of unfolding. We need reminding because when everything is rolling along smoothly it can be easy to see the big picture. But when life gets challenging or we’ve been ignoring change, life can get very overwhelming. It’s usually in these moments when the body starts to move into a state of fight or flight that we tend to forget the process is the solution.

Episode 33 - Healing from the loss of a loved one to suicide through Elegy for an Elephant with Ryan Abramowitz
In this episode Laura Poole is joined by Melbourne-based artist and storyteller, and fellow Vedic meditator, Ryan Abramowitz, to talk about an important subject that can be shrouded in shame and stigma – suicide. Ryan is the author and artist of ‘Elegy for an Elephant’, a picture book he has been working on these past few years, after the loss of his own father to suicide.

Episode 32 - Guru Purnima - honouring our spiritual teachers on this special full moon night with Blaine Watson
In this episode, Laura Poole is again joined by Vedic astrologer and serial guest on the podcast, Blaine Watson, to talk all about Guru Purnima – the full moon night that occurs once a year where we honour the guru and all teachers in our lives.

Episode 31 - Falling asleep while meditating with Laura Poole
This episode comes from a group meditation Q&A where a student asked about falling asleep in meditation and why it keeps on happening. We explore why meditation is a practice of two-fold revealing and the importance of allowing cosmic intelligence to take the drivers seat in life. If you’ve ever fallen asleep while meditating, we hope this gives you a new perspective to see everything is just as it should be.

Episode 30 - Yoni steaming – rituals for fertility and healing gynaecological conditions with Chasca Summerville
Something we’re passionate about in our community is women’s health, and in this episode Laura Poole is joined by Ayurveda practitioner and author Chasca Summerville. Chasca’s speciality is Ayurveda for women sharing holistic ways to rejuvenate and wisdom to empower women to be their own healers. In this episode we explore all of this, with a focus on one ritual – yoni steaming - which changed Chasca’s life and healed her from chronic endometriosis.

Episode 29 - How do I trust life with Kathleen O'Brien
In this episode Kathleen explores a different take on trust, shifting our perspective from a life based on faith, trust, or belief to a new paradigm of knowing. She explores the idea that life is in fact a very knowable experience rather than something occurring outside of ourselves.
Episode 28 - Can meditation cause you to avoid doing the ‘real work’ with Laura Poole
This episode is about the idea that meditation can cause you to avoid doing the ‘real work’ - the harder, emotional, deeper work of change. Laura Poole shares a perspective that helps us understand what’s really going on when people use meditation to spiritually by-pass what’s needed, and how we can empower ourselves to use our practice in the way it was intended.

Episode 27 - Bliss consciousness - the life story of Pandit Baskaran
This is a special episode for everyone who knows and loves Pandit Baskaran, more commonly known as Panditji. Panditji is a Vedic meditation teacher, pandit, and man of bliss consciousness. You may have had the great blessing of being on retreat with him in India, experiencing the bliss and joy of being in his presence. This episode is devoted to sharing Panditji’s life story and wisdom. We hope you enjoy and get sore cheeks from smiling as much as we did.

Episode 26 - Deep surrender and the 3 types of karma with Kathleen O’Brien
This episode is an empowering and vulnerable conversation between two women of the Mahasoma team, Laura Poole and Kathleen O’Brien. Kathleen has a story that is both unique to her journey but also relatable for so many of you out there. Kathleen openly shares with us her experiences with health and challenges living with chronic conditions like eczema and allergies. We explore what to do when nothing is working, being your own healer, and healthy ways to relate to using practitioners to support your wellbeing. And, because it’s the Mahasoma podcast we can’t help but take deeper dive into Vedic wisdom on the two sides of surrender, the three types of karma, and we share a discourse by Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, our Guru Deva

Episode 25 - Siddha Medicine for Enlightenment with Dr Janani
This episode was recorded while we were in the south of India, in Tamil Nadu, staying at the Sri Narayani Holistic Centre for Aayurveda and Siddha Medicine. We had the honour of speaking with the head doctor there – Dr Janani – all about Siddha Medicine for spiritual enlightenment and how you can experience this healing for yourself at the Sri Narayani Holistic Centre.
Episode 24 - Becoming a loving disciple of water - hydrating yourself through friendship with Isabel Friend
In this episode we’re joined by Isabel Friend on the podcast, who shares with us her weaving together of modern scientific understanding with ancient wisdom of the element water. We take a deep dive into the essence of water, and how we all need to fall deeper in love with this sentient being that is the source of life, if we want to better our own health, our environmental health, and uplift our collective consciousness.

Episode 23 - Who is telling your story? How we came to Vedic meditation with Laura, Sarah, Julia, and Kathleen
In this episode the Mahasoma team answer questions from the community. We share more about our journey with meditation, what it has given us, and the Vedic view on time, memory, and storytelling.

Episode 22 - The Yoga of Time: Navaratri and Goddess Worship with Prashanti de Jager
We have a very timely episode for you relating to the Vedic celebration known as Navaratri – the nine nights of worshipping the goddess at the two full moon equinoxes of the year. We wanted to share with you some of the deeper meanings and understandings of this celebration and how you can tap into this flow of time to create greater health and vitality for yourself, your family and your community.

Episode 21 - Transcendence with Blaine Watson
In this episode, Vedic astrologer Blaine Watson is talking all things transcendence. With both Laura and Blaine teaching Vedic meditation, we wanted to share the deeper understanding of transcendence, and help you recognise the profound nature of what you may already be experiencing every day.

Episode 20 - Life, death, and everything in-between – exploring the physical, psychological, and spiritual world of Permaculture with Ian Trew from Noosa Forest Retreat
In this episode we had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with permaculture teacher, Ian Trew, to explore the physical, emotional and spiritual world that is permaculture, alongside defining organic, biodynamic, agroforestry, and syntropic farming. This is an inspiring and heart-awakening chat with a brilliant mind.

Episode 19 - Sustainable fashion – why we need to care about what we wear with Celeste Tesoriero from Sonzai Studios
In this episode we chat with Celeste Tesoriero to share a really important message on shopping sustainability and taking greater care of what we buy and wear. Celeste is a name well known in luxury fashion industry both within Australia and abroad. As Sustainability Manager of Roland Mouret and a member of the British Fashion Council’s Positive Fashion Committee, Celeste has worked with brands including Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen and Balenciaga as well as big retailers such as Net-a-Porter, Matches and Selfridges.

Episode 18 - Yajña - Vedic technology for upgrading your DNA and changing the future with Blaine Watson
In this episode the enlightening Vedic astrologer Blaine Watson is back for another juicy session sharing his deep wisdom and experience of the Vedic science and technology known as yajña.