RADIATE - the art of inspired teaching
Welcome to our new twice yearly Vedic meditation initiator residencies. Held over 4 months online and culminating in a 7-day in-person retreat these residencies are designed to inspire Vedic meditation initiators in the art of teaching Vedic wisdom while supporting ongoing personal evolution.
As entrepreneurial initiators it’s important we feel creative in our work, have vital energy flowing in our bodies, and belong to a supportive teacher and mentorship community.
Each year the residencies will be held:
February-May (online) + 7-day in-person retreat to conclude
August-November (online) + 7-day in-person retreat to conclude
See more details below
The need of the time.
Being an initiator is a life-long dharma that not only has the potential to serve humanity in much needed ways but also allows us to create a life we love. Integrated, intentional, and inspired, we can create longevity in our teaching and plant seeds for a legacy of teachers to follow. As Maharishi said, "It is important only that we radiate life. Every individual must be a joy to himself, to his family, and to his society.”
The transformation.
Deepen your embodiment of Vedic wisdom and expand your knowledge base to support your students evolution,
Each residency will be themed so we can take a deep dive with a particular focus on an aspect of Vedic wisdom. We will be exploring themes that bring in the knowledge of yoga, ayurveda, jyotisa, dhanurveda, Vedic history and culture, quantum biology, mantra, vedanta, and more.
Each residency includes twice monthly guest lectures with Vedic science experts plus opening and closing online sessions for community connection, reflection, and vision of future possibilities guided by Laura Poole.
The sessions will be practical and translate into ways you can support your students on their meditation journey with advanced wisdom, practices, and course creation.
Feel connected to a global, non-hierarchical, and multi-generational community of teachers.
We will have a private WhatsApp community to ask questions (personal and teaching) and receive real-time voice messages from Vedic experts and our Mahasoma team.
Share your teaching experiences with others with initiator-to-initiator support via the WhatsApp community, learn from our collective experience, and support all teachers to be radiant, vital, and thriving.
Integrate Vedic wisdom into all aspects of life.
There will also be weekly shared content and resources to support the new learnings and embodiment of Vedic wisdom (videos, articles, podcasts, recordings, books etc.)
Create rich and inspiring content to share with students and potential students.
Rest, rejuvenate, and connect in-person on retreat.
Each online residency will conclude with an optional 7-day in-person retreat. These retreats are designed to support teachers in resting, recharging, and connecting with other teachers in real life.
The retreats will include siddhi rounds + Ayurveda treatments + Vedic wisdom sessions.
The retreat is a community-led experience - no one teacher is hosting it. Share your experiences, wisdom, and learn from others and their unique perspectives.
Engage in workshops with other teachers to get inspired, see what’s possible, and work together on future projects or initiatives.
Advance your teaching with advanced technique sessions.
Online - January 29th-May 27th, 2025
Retreat - June 6-12, 2025 in Northern Rivers
The theme for this first residency is ‘gaining the full support of Nature’. The purpose is to bring more vitality into our mind-body, practice 'do less, achieve more' in business (so we can focus on what is important), and explore ways we can expand our offerings while nourishing ourselves as teachers.
The first residency will begin on New Moon (Australia time) 29th January, 2025. Each session after this will be held on the Full Moon and New Moon each month. Sessions will also be available to watch online after if you can't attend live.
This residency is open to all Vedic meditation teachers. If you’re keen to join us for the first offering please email for more details!
RADIATE #1 Retreat
Retreat - June 6-12, 2025 in Northern Rivers
The intention for this retreat is for teachers to bathe in deep rest through daily high-rounds and siddha rounds, to spend time together in-person to weave deeper connections and provide space for collaboration on future projects, and to engage in daily yajña over the June full moon with Pandit Baskaran to enliven the support of the laws of nature, learn new mantras, and continue to grow deep roots within the Vedic tradition. When teachers are well rested and resourced it benefits all meditators and society as a whole. This is a powerful opportunity to receive the blessings that come from yajña, to sit with a great Vedic master for a week in ceremony, and to deepen your intellectual and experiential knowledge of mantra, yajña, and devatā.
Yes! It’s been designed to support all teachers in a multi-generational and non-hierarchical way. The online residency and retreat is open to all teachers. The vision is to have wisdom and experience from all levels of teachers shared and cross pollination around the world.
It’s going to be very practical! Please don’t think you’ll be overwhelmed with knowledge. The intention is for each Zoom session to be practiced and implemented in daily life. This will include ways to create practical offerings for your meditation students (and to inspire those who haven’t yet learned) based upon the Vedic wisdom shared.
The WhatsApp community will be where all teaching questions can be asked and is a space for real-time mentoring with Vedic experts and also to share our experiences and support each other peer-to-peer.
No! You can attend just the online residency, just the retreat, or you can sign up for both.
Yes! As a teacher one of the main aspects is staying inspired and connected. This residency is designed for fullt-time teachers, part-time teachers, and those wanting to get back into teaching or transition into full-time teaching.