Want to live a life of service and purpose?
Join us for Siddha Training.
This is Mahasoma’s course on dharma and manifestation where you will learn how to take the power of yogic wisdom and harness it for action in your daily life. It’s an offering to those in our community who are ready to step into a life of powerful action and graceful service. This course will have you learning how to embody and step into a life of full reciprocity with all of nature.
Siddha Training is for anyone that has completed Rishi Training with us (or equivalent). It is also a pre-requisite for Mahasoma Vedic meditation teacher training.
What is Siddha Training?
Siddha Training is a 4-part series that will completely upgrade your experience of life. The training re-enlivens the teachings of Maharishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sūtra, which was cognised over 2700 years ago, and is designed to support you in embodying your fullest potential. It's all about mastering the art of manifestation so that you can be of greatest service in the world and live your dharma fearlessly. Over 12 months, we will explore and develop the capabilities known as ‘siddhis’ of inner strength, calmness, intuition, celestial perception, and more. With deep Vedic wisdom sessions, you will come to know yourself on a whole new level, ready to be of powerful purpose and graceful service.
Siddha Training is taught LIVE in 4 parts over 1 year. Live sessions will be held in Melbourne with the option of joining online for the first 3 instalments where appropriate.* Please note that the final retreat must be attended in person and cannot be joined online.
*To be eligible to join online you must have access to a Vedic meditation teacher to perform puja for you before each instalment and not live locally to Melbourne.
Part 1 - Stability (3 days)
Learn the practice of the siddhis and the powerful history of this tradition. You will receive the first instalment of sutras that will help create stability in mind, emotions, and body.
Part 2 - Expansion (3 days)
Take your stability with you as you expand into the cosmic regions and learn about your place in the universe and your potential to perceive and understand the world around you.
Part 3 - Intuition (3 days)
Learn to cultivate your inner sense of knowing and intuition so you can experience life with full awareness, understanding, and perception of what is required in each moment.
Part 4 - Elemental (4 night retreat in-person only)
Our final instalment will take place on retreat where we will spend 4 nights and 5 days together learning the final part of this practice, exploring the elemental nature of the universe through direct experience. You must attend this live and cannot join online.

Join us in 2025 in Melbourne with Sarah O’Brien (online option available)
Each part takes place over 3 days: Friday 6:30pm-9:30pm + Saturday and Sunday 9:30am-4:30pm.
Part 1 STABILITY: 28-30 March 2025 (AEDT)
Part 2 EXPANSION: 27-29 June 2025 (AEST)
Part 3 INTUITION: 29-31 August 2025 (AEST)
Part 4 ELEMENTAL: Retreat 2-7 December in Victoria, Australia (TBC)
Siddha Training investment
We offer a tiered pricing structure for Siddha Training to create greater diversity, equity and inclusivity in our community. Our desire is for everyone to be able to advance their meditation practice and experience the life-changing benefits diving into the Vedic wisdom. We have based our tiered pricing structure on the green bottle method developed by Alexis J. Cunningfolk, which helps you determine where you fall on the sliding scale based on your financial privilege. Please read all the options available. You might not say yes to every statement in the option, but the option that has the most YES answers will be your contribution. If you are a dependent, or are supported by your partner, parents, family etc. please answer the questions based on WE, rather than I. We operate on an honesty system as we want to encourage our community to give what they can and receive what they need. It’s about supporting each other and seeing the collective rise as a whole. Sometimes that means you’ll be giving more than others, which in the Vedic tradition is a blessing in itself to be able to share your abundance for the benefit of all. Payment plans are also available. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.
The 3 x intensive instalments diving deep into Vedic wisdom and practice
You will receive tea, lunch, sweets, and afternoon tea over the Training
For those joining online, access to personalised small group sutra session
Ability to re-listen to the wisdom sessions online at your own convenience at a later date
3 x in-person community catch-ups and live experiences
Access to our Siddha Training private online community to connect and share experiences
Ability to re-sit the course as a refresher - online (free) + in-person (small fee + seva)
The gift it forward option is for me (or us if supported by partner, parents, family etc.) if:
I am feeling generous and want to share the love by paying for a scholarship enabling someone to sit the course who would otherwise be unable to join
I have abundance in my life and the ability to support others
I meet all of the GIFT YOURSELF points
The gift yourself option is the actual cost of the training. It’s for me (or us if supported by partner, parents, family etc.) if:
I am able to meet all of my basic needs (e.g. food, housing, transport)
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of my basic needs
I own my own home OR I rent a property OR I live at home and don’t have to pay rent
I own or lease a car
I am employed (or don’t need to work to meet my needs)
I have access to healthcare options (e.g. acupuncture, naturopathy, osteopathy) to support my wellbeing
I have access to financial savings
I have some expendable income (e.g. can buy coffee or eat out, buy new clothes, concert tickets, massages etc.)
I can buy new items if needed
I can afford an annual holiday or take time off
The subsidised training investment is for those whose current life circumstances means they need some support and don’t have family, partner, or friends who they can ask for financial support. This was our previous concession, pensioner, full-time student (with no financial support) or NDIS card option. The subsidised option is our ‘grassroots’ offering for the training. The subsidised option is for me (or us if supported by partner, parents, family etc.) if:
I am able to meet all my basic needs (e.g. food, housing, transport) but it sometimes stretches me quite a bit
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of my basic needs
I rent a room or comfortable property
I own or lease a car
I am employed OR studying with government financial support OR I have retired and have a pension to support my living expenses
I have access to Medicare and occasionally see other healthcare practitioners (e.g. acupuncture, naturopathy, osteopathy) to support my wellbeing
I have access to financial savings
I have some expendable income (e.g. to buy coffee or eat out, new clothes, concert tickets, massages etc when I can).
I am able to buy new items and thrift others
I can take a holiday annually or every few years without financial burden
The helping hand training investment is for those who are currently experiencing financial hardships, need a greater helping hand to advance their practice, and don’t have family, partner, or friends they can ask for financial support. The helping hand option is our ‘base cost’ for the training. The helping hand option is for me (or us if supported by partner, parents, family etc.) if:
I am only just able to meet all my basic needs (e.g. food, housing, transport)
I have debt and it noticeably impacts me in meeting my basic needs
I own or lease a car but may not always be able to afford petrol
I am employed but my income goes towards supporting others and I am unable to save OR I have limited employment due to my health/personal circumstances
I only have access to Medicare to support my health and wellbeing
I have less than $1000 savings
I have no or very limited expendable income (e.g. to buy coffee or eat out, new clothes, concert tickets, massages etc.)
I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them
I cannot afford a holiday or have the ability to take time off without financial burden
Scholarships are available to those unable to contribute to the above options. We ask for a $108 exchange however full scholarships are also available if needed. We have one scholarship spot available per training or more if there are multiple gift it forward contributions. This option is for me (or us if supported by partner, parents, family etc.) if:
I frequently stress about meeting my basic needs (e.g. food, housing, transport) and don’t always achieve them
I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs
I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing
I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but I am not always able to afford petrol
I am unemployed or underemployed
I qualify for government assistance including food stamps & healthcare
I have no access to financial savings
I have no or very limited expendable income (e.g. to buy coffee or eat out, new clothes, concert tickets, massages etc.)
I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them
I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden
Please apply for the scholarship by emailing sarah@mahasoma.com or laura@mahasoma.com.
Prerequisites for Siddha Training
You need to be practising Vedic meditation twice daily and have completed or are in the process of completing Rishi Training or equivalent. You must also have received at least 1 advanced mantra before beginning the training.
If you are unable to attend the live sessions due to travel restrictions, you are able to apply to join us online but must have a Vedic meditation teacher local to you to perform puja before each instalment. You will also need to attend Part 4 in person to complete the training.
Please apply to join Siddha Training 2025 using the links provided. Please note that this is an application process and we will email you to inform you if your application is successful. Not sure if it’s for you? Email hello@mahasoma.com to ask or for all general enquiries.
What our past Siddhas in Training have to say...
Siddha training with Sarah O Brien took my meditation practice to a whole new level - a level that I didn’t even know was possible. It literally helped reprogram my way of Being in the world. It also acted as a catalyst to go further into the Vedic wisdom which ultimately changes your life from the inside out. Sarah is extremely talented in being able to explain complex concepts in a relatable and digestible (and fun) way. If you’re on the path already… get on the Siddha training! It is incredible and will take you to places you didn’t know existed. Pure bliss!
- Robbie
It’s hard to put into words how invaluable this training has been... Not only did I meet people whom I now consider my closest friends, but I’ve become the person I always wanted to be. The person who I knew I could be. The Siddhis awaken and enliven so many beautiful human qualities. And help us to perceive the truth, alongside the richness in every moment. And thank you Sarah for the ongoing encouragement and support. Your kindness, wisdom, patience and strength is truely inspiring. I have always felt so safe and seen by you and I simply cannot thank you enough.
- Emily
The Mahasoma Siddha training was an incredible experience. I loved being immersed in the knowledge and wisdom of the veda, the community connection was wonderful and the final retreat was really special. Sarah has a lovely teaching style, she is extremely knowledgeable and able to share the wisdom of the veda in such a beautiful way while at the same time remaining very accomodating, supportive and caring towards all of her students. I looked forward to each of the weekend intensives and must say I was so blissed out by the food as well, it was delicious. If you are looking to deepen your practice the Mahasoma Siddha program is wonderful and will deliver beyond your expectations.
- Ange
Partaking in the Siddhis course with Sarah this year was such an incredible experience. Investing in the course was like investing in my happiness. Worthwhile indeeeeed. Through different instalments we deepended our understanding of the Vedas, our practice, and learned the new technique of Siddhi's. Each instalment was filled with fun community catchups, good food, Q&A, and good laughs. Throughout the whole training I felt held and supported by Sarah, who is an amazing teacher that is very devoted to what she does. For the last instalment, we went on retreat. This was great fun & very enriching. I'd highly recommend the Siddha training to anyone who wants to deepen their Vedic knowledge, and transform their life through this powerful practice.
- Ben
Partaking in the Siddhi's course with Sarah this year was such an incredible experience. Investing in the course was like investing in my happiness. Worthwhile indeeeeed. Through different instalments we deepened our understanding of the Vedas, our practice, and learned the new technique of Siddhi's. Each instalment was filled with fun community catchups, good food, Q&A, and good laughs. Throughout the whole training I felt held and supported by Sarah, who is an amazing teacher that is very devoted to what she does. For the last instalment, we went on retreat. This was great fun & very enriching. I'd highly recommend the Siddha training to anyone who wants to deepen their Vedic knowledge, and transform their life through this powerful practice.
- Jesse
I highly recommend doing the siddha training to anyone who feels charmed by it. This training is about developing and enlivening siddhis qualities from within and I can definitely attest that it does so. I am still in awe by the impact of the practice in my daily life. Each sessions and regular practice have expanded my heart and revealed new layers of myself related to the siddhi's. Sarah is an amazing teacher who teaches from the heart and make the practice digestible and easy to understand.
- Caroline
Is this the right training for me?
If you are a twice daily meditator, have done Rishi Training or equivalent, had received at least 1 advanced mantra and are looking to upgrade your experience of life then this training is for you! If you feel like you’re not consistent with your practice or have fallen out of touch with meditation, reach out before you apply and we can let you know if this would be a good time to begin your Siddha journey.
What if I can’t attend all the in-person parts?
We have an option to join us online for one or all of the first 3 instalments, but we do recommend where possible joining us in person for optimal learning experience. There will not be a separate online cohort for this training, all sessions and recordings will occur during the live, in person training.
The final part can only be attended by coming along in-person to the retreat.
Is the Siddhi’s practice the same as meditation?
No, it’s an entirely different practice! We're going to be learning a new technique that is to be practiced after your regular Vedic meditation practice. It will add time on to your daily sadhana so this is something to keep in mind before beginning. We ask that each person undertaking Siddha Training is a regular and consistent meditator. You will find that you get the best out of the training and your investment if you’re already committed to a daily practice. We need to actually be practicing the Siddhi’s each day in order to receive the benefit, so simply coming to the Training won’t be enough to embody this practice.
Can I start with the first part and see if I like it?
Of course! You can start with Part 1 and see if the way it’s shared and what you learn is relevant. If you’d like to continue on, you can do so. We do recommend beginning the year with the intention of completing the training but if it’s not for you or life get’s busy we won’t make you stay!
Is this just another knowledge course?
Siddha Training is more geared around learning the practice and technique of practicing the Siddhi’s rather than focusing on knowledge itself. It’s different to Rishi Training as everything we share and experience is speaking to the embodiment of each sutra and the capability that emerges when we do so. Really, Siddha Training is about taking Vedic wisdom into action and learning how to embody the state of perfected capability.